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Jessica Liang,  California USA












Modern art includes artistic works produced during the period extending roughly from the 1860s to the 1970s, and denotes the style and philosophyof the art produced during that era.[1] The term is usually associated with art in which the traditions of the past have been thrown aside in a spirit of experimentation.[2] Modern artists experimented with new ways of seeing and with fresh ideas about the nature of materials and functions of art. A tendency away from the narrative, which was characteristic for the traditional arts, toward abstraction is characteristic of much modern art. More recent artistic production is often called Contemporary art or Postmodern art.

Modern art begins with the heritage of painters like Vincent van Gogh, Paul Cézanne, Paul Gauguin, Georges Seurat and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrecall of whom were essential for the development of modern art. At the beginning of the 20th century Henri Matisse and several other young artists including the pre-cubist Georges Braque, André Derain, Raoul Dufy and Maurice de Vlaminck revolutionized the Paris art world with "wild", multi-colored, expressive landscapes and figure paintings that the critics called Fauvism. Henri Matisse's two versions of The Dance signified a key point in his career and in the development of modern painting.[3] It reflected Matisse's incipient fascination with primitive art: the intense warm color of the figures against the cool blue-green background and the rhythmical succession of the dancing nudes convey the feelings of emotional liberation andhedonism.

Initially influenced by Toulouse-Lautrec, Gauguin and other late 19th century innovators Pablo Picasso made his first cubist paintings based on Cézanne's idea that all depiction of nature can be reduced to three solids: cube, sphere and cone. With the painting Les Demoiselles d'Avignon(1907), Picasso dramatically created a new and radical picture depicting a raw and primitive brothel scene with five prostitutes, violently painted women, reminiscent of African tribal masks and his own new Cubist inventions. Analytic cubism was jointly developed by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque, exemplified by Violin and Candlestick, Paris, from about 1908 through 1912. Analytic cubism, the first clear manifestation of cubism, was followed by Synthetic cubism, practised by Braque, Picasso, Fernand Léger, Juan Gris, Albert Gleizes, Marcel Duchamp and several other artists into the 1920s. Synthetic cubism is characterized by the introduction of different textures, surfaces, collage elements, papier collé and a large variety of merged subject matter.[citation needed]

The notion of modern art is closely related to Modernism.


*  I'm from Shanghai, my major in university is Business Ecnomics.  Due to coincidential opportunity I learned Chinese painting and still life from the famous contemporary artist Professor Wang,  Xiangmin.


*  After I moved to the United States, I began a four-year study of Western Art at  Mt. Sac Antonio College including life drawing, figure drawing, sculpture, printmaking, acrylic painting and illustration.


*  Art is a song, every note beating the symphony of love, mother nature is my first and best teacher.


我来自上海,大学学的是国际金融贸易, 因机缘巧合早年师从于中国著名当代艺术家王向民教授,学习素描和国画。来美生活后,在美国圣安东尼学院学习了4年的正统西方美术, 包括素描,雕塑,版画,油画和广告设计。艺术就像一首歌, 每个音符都跳动着生命升华的交响乐,大自然就是我终生膜拜的老师。




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